Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Creative Process

This week I have been working on the first book in a series. This book will start with simple surfaces, that anyone can print on an inkjet printer. (the only requirement is the printer has to be a pass thru printer, not one that brings the surface in below and flips it over to print) These surfaces may be as far as any of the readers venture into digital printing and are some of my favorites.

So on the way to writing these books, on the way to my inspiration, procrastination sets in. Sidetracking myself is part of my process. "The book's" content is in the back of my mind and I think of all that I can in order to get inspired to what I want. These images are part of my procrastination. I always feel better when I am creating something, so sometimes I take old hardcover books and paint the pages. This way if I ever want to write something, I have colored pages to write on. White is just not my thing.

Now I am on to using the pages, so I scanned them all in (there are 35 of them) to my computer and now have all these pages that can be used as backgrounds for all sorts of things. The book painted, is a rough page watercolor blank journal. I have tons of these things around for when the spirit moves me:) Next I will make them into files that I can load onto the KathyAnne Art site and members can download them to use them for grounds or whatever else they want to do to them.

These pages have already made there way into my book. They are not identifiable in the book, but used in random ways. Just thought this morning I would post some of them.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Journal Pages with Digital Prints

Many times I will use images from the KathyAnne Art website and create digital journal pages from them. This one is a scan of a trim added to painted watercolor paper. After the scan is printed on a new page, a digital print on pimatex cotton is stuffed and added to the page with plenty of room to write if desired.

This page is a scan of a roughly painted watercolor paper. Once the painted paper is scanned, an image is added to the layer above the painted scanned layer. The image added here is a part of a cactus that has a blend mode added in Photoshop to blend the images.

Here we have a cactus pattern overlayed on a painted ground on watercolor paper. The one below is much the same way with the layers blended by overlay. The piece on the bottom is a digital print of a scanned background.

In my newsletter for the month of November, I will include information on a tutorial on how to create these journal pages. The mini workshops each month are free to members and there is a charge for the pdf to non members. Sign up for my email list on KathyAnne Art